Before you submit your piece, please review the guidelines.

What we like

We like articles about team culture building, culture coding, and new trends in company culture.

We don’t do snarky or sarcastic. Your tone should be conversational, informative, and generally positive.

Submission guidelines

Send your submission to

Please make sure your piece has the following elements:

1. Include a good title. Here’s a great article on writing good titles. 

2. Include at least one link in text to another article on the website.

3. Include images. We are committed to respecting copyrights. Do not send us images from Pinterest or Tumblr. Feature at least three 800 pixel-wide images with attribution links to the original sites where you found those images. Please use images with no copyrights that are in the public domain or part of the creative commons. You can find these at unsplash, pexel, pixabay. When you search on google, go to “tools” -> “usage rights” -> “labeled for reuse.”


  • Focus on one main point.
  • Edit/proof read your piece to check grammar and spelling.
  • Use different beginnings for your sentences.
  • Use short sentences.
  • Use short paragraphs with 2-3-sentences.
  • Keep your bio short and exciting. It should contain links to your website and social links, plus two to three sentences about who you are and what you do. Readers can learn more by clicking your links.
  • Include a bio photo 300×300 at the bottom of your piece